Film Archives Relaunches Mobile Friendly, Multi-Purpose Website

FILM Archives Inc.'s newly overhauled website showcases the company's core philosophy: “We've always endeavored to sweep away obstacles and put absolutely no daylight between our customers and our footage,” says Mark Trost, president and co-founder of the 30 year-old NYC stock house. That meant creating a sleek, deceptively simple home page designed with the search box front and center. Whether producers prefer quick keyword hits or the most complex search, FILM's highly upgraded custom video search engine can unearth precisely desired clips from among the thousands of existing vintage and contemporary library reels as well as new film footage screeners and HD news topics added daily.

Search results now appear in multiple sizes and formats, such as clipboard, list and film strip. Greatly enlarged thumbnail images and improved video quality makes for fast and easy screener review. Clips also play faster within most popular browsers. The site can be viewed on any desktop or mobile platform including iPad, iPhone, and Chromebook. Research is always free and watermarked clips may be downloaded to any device for playback and test edits.

Additionally, FILM's web designer Timothy McGlynn put all the need-to-know info about collections, rates, and sample licenses at users' fingertips. “The whole new look is fresh and uncluttered,” McGlynn says. Trost notes: “We've always received compliments on ease of use. This time we tested and retested to make certain the site is easier than ever to use, accessible to more platforms, and adapts well to users' preferred search and view methods.” FILM's recent clients include The Dr. Oz Show, Gotham, Captain America: 75 Heroic Years, Vanity Fair Confidential, and the upcoming History Channel Series,
Generation X.